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PANS PRO is available for production. Contact us: sales@leaps.global

PANS PRO RTLS, which is the Production version of PANS RTLS, developed by LEAPS for Qorvo (former Decawave).
It is a mature and improved technology that provides precise and accurate tracking of assets, people and equipments in real-time.
PANS PRO RTLS is using the TWR (Two-Way Ranging) method to locate tags around a network of fixed anchors, either via gateways connected to server, or directly on the asset or vehicle tracked, via APIs.

PANS PRO Ultra-Wideband Subsystem

The following image provides an overview of the main concepts of the PANS PRO RTLS system 1. Further, detailed information about each concept will be provided in subsequent subsections.


The real device (LC4, LC5 and LC8) visualization will be updated soon.