Activates on board alarm for a specified time period.
LED, motor, buzzer: ‘0’ | ‘1’ (1 enables particular alarm)
duration: 8-bit unsigned integer (alarm time period in multiple of 200 ms)
intensity: 8-bit unsigned integer (alarm intensity)
TLV Request |
Type |
Length |
Value |
0x85 |
0x04 |
byte 0: alarm conf iguration
byte 1: reserved
byte 2: duration in multiple of 200 ms
byte 3: intensity
0x07 0x00 0x05 0xff |
Type 0x85 means command leaps_alarm_start
TLV Response |
Type |
Length |
Value (see error codes) |
0x40 |
0x01 |
0x00 |
Type 0x40 means err_code of the previous command