Configure node as anchor with given options. Encryption can’t be enabled if the encryption key is not set. This call requires reset for a new configuration to take effect (leaps_reset). Enabling encryption on initiator will cause automatic enabling of encryption of all nodes that have the same encryption key set (leaps_enc_key_set). This allows encryption for the whole network that has the same pan ID (network ID) and the same encryption key remotely from one place.
This call does a write to internal flash in case of new value being set, hence should not be used frequently and can take in worst case hundreds of milliseconds!
initiator: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’ - Initiator role enable)
bridge: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’ - Bridge role enable)
enc_en: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’ - encryption enable)
led_en: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’ - general purpose LEDs enable)
ble_en: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’ - BLE enable)
uwb_mode: 2-bits (0-off, 1-passive, 2-active)
fw_update_en: 1-bit (‘0’ | ‘1’- Firmware update enable)
profile_id: 3-bits (ID of the profile)
clock_reference: 1-bit (enables clock reference on the node)
uwb_act_ble: 1-bit (enables uwb activation over ble on the node)
uwb_bh_routing: Available only when the firmware is compiled with UWB routing backhaul:
Value : ‘0’ | ‘1’ | ‘2’
0- OFF - anchor will not become a routing anchor
1- ON - anchor will be preferred by the routing algorithm to be chosen as a routing anchor
2- AUTO - Whether anchor becomes routing or not depends entirely on the routing algorithm
TLV response |
Type |
Length |
Value |
(bit 7) initiator
(bit 6) bridge
(bit 5) enc_en
(bit 4) led_en
(bit 3) ble_en
(bit 2) fw_update_en
(bits 0-1) uwb_mode
(bits 2-7) reserved
(bits 0-1) uwb_bh_routing:
0 - OFF
1 - ON
2 - AUTO
(bits 0-2) profile id
(bit 3) clock reference
(bit 4) uwb activation ble
0x07 |
0x03 |
0x9C |
0x02 |
0x02 |
Type 0x07 means command leaps_cfg_anchor_set
TLV response |
Type |
Length |
Value |
0x40 |
0x01 |
0x00 |
Type 0x40 means status code