Reads current configuration of the serial interfaces (e.g. UART, SPI).
uart_loc_ready_enable: 1-bit (enables location ready event on UART interface if set to ‘1’)
usb_bh_en: 1-bit (enables USB interface for backhaul if set to ‘1’)
uart_mode: 1-bit (‘0’ means that UART enters binary mode after reset, ‘1’ means that UART enters Command Line Interface (CLI) mode after reset)
uart_baudrate: ‘0’ | ‘1’ (‘0’: 115200 baud, ‘1’: 1000000 baud)
uart_loc_ready_include_my_pos: 1-bit (0 disables and 1 enables including of my position in each location ready event)
uart_loc_ready_include_ranging_pos: 1-bit (0 disables and 1 enables including of positions to the ranging nodes in each location ready event)
TLV Request |
Type |
Length |
0x39 |
0x00 |
Type 0x39 (57 dec) means command leaps_serial_cfg_get
TLV response |
Type |
Length |
Value |
Type |
Length |
Value |
(bits 18-31) r eserved
(bit 17) location ready event includes positions to ranging nodes
(bit 16) location ready event includes my position
(bit 15) uart_baudrate
(bits 9-14) reserved
(bit 8) uar t_mode, default UART mode 0-binary, 1-shell
(bits 2-7) reserved
(bit 1) USB backhaul enable
(bit 0) location ready event on UART enable
0x40 |
0x01 |
0x00 |
0x61 |
0x04 |
0x01 0x01 0x00 0x00 |
Type 0x40 means status code
Type 0x61 (97) means serial interfaces configuration