API Generic Data Types
Node IDentifier. This is a unique 64-bit number. It is derived from a fixed prefix 0xDECA, MCU unique Chip ID and DW1000/DW3000 unique Part ID in this format: 0xDECA + 28 bits MCU unique Chip ID + 20 bits DW1000 unique Part ID.
id = 64-bit integer
Status Code
Status code returned by every command.
‘0’ (ok)
‘1’ (unknown command or broken tlv frame)
‘2’ (internal error)
‘3’ (invalid parameter)
‘4’ (busy)
‘5’ (operation not permitted)
‘6’ (checksum error)
‘7’ (IO error)
‘8’ (not supported)
‘9’ (reset required and command needs to be sent again)
Position of the node (anchor or tag).
position = x, y, z, pqf (position coordinates)
x = 32-bit integer (in millimeters)
y = 32-bit integer (in millimeters)
z = 32-bit integer (in millimeters)
pqf = 8-bit integer (position quality factor in percents)
Index of GPIO pins available to the user by input PX.Y, where:
X: port number
Y: pin index
Please refer to the number/index for the specific device in the list below.
DWM1001: P0.08, P0.12, P0.13, P0.15, P0.23, P0.27
DWM3001: P0.06, P0.12, P0.13, P0.17, P0.20, P0.21, P1.00, P1.01, P1.05, P1.09
LC13/LC14 (2AB): P0.11, P0.12, P0.13, P0.14, P1.7, P1.14
fw_version = maj, min, patch, ver (firmware version)
maj = 8-bit number (MAJOR)
min = 8-bit number (MINOR)
patch = 8-bit number (PATCH)
ver = res, var
res = 4-bit number (RESERVED)
var = 4-bit number (VARIANT)