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The TLV API, which communicates over API uses simple TLV frames of the following format.

TLV frame





1st byte

2nd byte

From 3rd up to 255th byte (253 bytes max)

Only available in UART and SPI interface

  • Type 255 is a reserved type, and the module ignores it.

  • Unknown TLV types are refused.

  • The TLV response acknowledges each TLV request.

  • The checksum algorithm is CRC8 with reference at crc8 (Polynomial constructor is x8 + x5 + x4 +1) and, it will be used to calculate the checksum for the whole package. The TLV length does not include this checksum.

    • Code example:

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "checksum.h"
    static uint8_t crc_table[] = {
       0,   49,  98,  83,  196, 245, 166, 151, 185, 136, 219, 234, 125, 76,  31,  46,
       67,  114, 33,  16,  135, 182, 229, 212, 250, 203, 152, 169, 62,  15,  92,  109,
       134, 183, 228, 213, 66,  115, 32,  17,  63,  14,  93,  108, 251, 202, 153, 168,
       197, 244, 167, 150, 1,   48,  99,  82,  124, 77,  30,  47,  184, 137, 218, 235,
       61,  12,  95,  110, 249, 200, 155, 170, 132, 181, 230, 215, 64,  113, 34,  19,
       126, 79,  28,  45,  186, 139, 216, 233, 199, 246, 165, 148, 3,   50,  97,  80,
       187, 138, 217, 232, 127, 78,  29,  44,  2,   51,  96,  81,  198, 247, 164, 149,
       248, 201, 154, 171, 60,  13,  94,  111, 65,  112, 35,  18,  133, 180, 231, 214,
       122, 75,  24,  41,  190, 143, 220, 237, 195, 242, 161, 144, 7,   54,  101, 84,
       57,  8,   91,  106, 253, 204, 159, 174, 128, 177, 226, 211, 68,  117, 38,  23,
       252, 205, 158, 175, 56,  9,   90,  107, 69,  116, 39,  22,  129, 176, 227, 210,
       191, 142, 221, 236, 123, 74,  25,  40,  6,   55,  100, 85,  194, 243, 160, 145,
       71,  118, 37,  20,  131, 178, 225, 208, 254, 207, 156, 173, 58,  11,  88,  105,
       4,   53,  102, 87,  192, 241, 162, 147, 189, 140, 223, 238, 121, 72,  27,  42,
       193, 240, 163, 146, 5,   52,  103, 86,  120, 73,  26,  43,  188, 141, 222, 239,
       130, 179, 224, 209, 70,  119, 36,  21,  59,  10,  89,  104, 255, 206, 157, 172
    * The function crc_8() calculates the 8 bit wide CRC of an input string of a
    * given length.
    uint8_t crc_8( const unsigned char *input_str, size_t num_bytes ) {
       size_t a;
       uint8_t crc;
       const unsigned char *ptr;
       crc = CRC_START_8;
       ptr = input_str;
       if ( ptr != NULL ) for (a=0; a<num_bytes; a++) {
          crc = crc_table[(*ptr++) ^ crc];
       return crc;
    void main(void) {
       uint8_t data[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05};
       uint8_t crc;
       crc = crc_8(data, sizeof(data));
    crc_table = bytes([
       0,   49,  98,  83,  196, 245, 166, 151, 185, 136, 219, 234, 125, 76,  31,  46,
       67,  114, 33,  16,  135, 182, 229, 212, 250, 203, 152, 169, 62,  15,  92,  109,
       134, 183, 228, 213, 66,  115, 32,  17,  63,  14,  93,  108, 251, 202, 153, 168,
       197, 244, 167, 150, 1,   48,  99,  82,  124, 77,  30,  47,  184, 137, 218, 235,
       61,  12,  95,  110, 249, 200, 155, 170, 132, 181, 230, 215, 64,  113, 34,  19,
       126, 79,  28,  45,  186, 139, 216, 233, 199, 246, 165, 148, 3,   50,  97,  80,
       187, 138, 217, 232, 127, 78,  29,  44,  2,   51,  96,  81,  198, 247, 164, 149,
       248, 201, 154, 171, 60,  13,  94,  111, 65,  112, 35,  18,  133, 180, 231, 214,
       122, 75,  24,  41,  190, 143, 220, 237, 195, 242, 161, 144, 7,   54,  101, 84,
       57,  8,   91,  106, 253, 204, 159, 174, 128, 177, 226, 211, 68,  117, 38,  23,
       252, 205, 158, 175, 56,  9,   90,  107, 69,  116, 39,  22,  129, 176, 227, 210,
       191, 142, 221, 236, 123, 74,  25,  40,  6,   55,  100, 85,  194, 243, 160, 145,
       71,  118, 37,  20,  131, 178, 225, 208, 254, 207, 156, 173, 58,  11,  88,  105,
       4,   53,  102, 87,  192, 241, 162, 147, 189, 140, 223, 238, 121, 72,  27,  42,
       193, 240, 163, 146, 5,   52,  103, 86,  120, 73,  26,  43,  188, 141, 222, 239,
       130, 179, 224, 209, 70,  119, 36,  21,  59,  10,  89,  104, 255, 206, 157, 172
    def crc_8(input_str):
       crc = 0
       for data in input_str:
          crc = crc_table[data ^ crc]
       return crc
    data = []
    print (crc_8(data))
    byte[] crc_table = new byte[] {
       0,   49,  98,  83,  196, 245, 166, 151, 185, 136, 219, 234, 125, 76,  31,  46,
       67,  114, 33,  16,  135, 182, 229, 212, 250, 203, 152, 169, 62,  15,  92,  109,
       134, 183, 228, 213, 66,  115, 32,  17,  63,  14,  93,  108, 251, 202, 153, 168,
       197, 244, 167, 150, 1,   48,  99,  82,  124, 77,  30,  47,  184, 137, 218, 235,
       61,  12,  95,  110, 249, 200, 155, 170, 132, 181, 230, 215, 64,  113, 34,  19,
       126, 79,  28,  45,  186, 139, 216, 233, 199, 246, 165, 148, 3,   50,  97,  80,
       187, 138, 217, 232, 127, 78,  29,  44,  2,   51,  96,  81,  198, 247, 164, 149,
       248, 201, 154, 171, 60,  13,  94,  111, 65,  112, 35,  18,  133, 180, 231, 214,
       122, 75,  24,  41,  190, 143, 220, 237, 195, 242, 161, 144, 7,   54,  101, 84,
       57,  8,   91,  106, 253, 204, 159, 174, 128, 177, 226, 211, 68,  117, 38,  23,
       252, 205, 158, 175, 56,  9,   90,  107, 69,  116, 39,  22,  129, 176, 227, 210,
       191, 142, 221, 236, 123, 74,  25,  40,  6,   55,  100, 85,  194, 243, 160, 145,
       71,  118, 37,  20,  131, 178, 225, 208, 254, 207, 156, 173, 58,  11,  88,  105,
       4,   53,  102, 87,  192, 241, 162, 147, 189, 140, 223, 238, 121, 72,  27,  42,
       193, 240, 163, 146, 5,   52,  103, 86,  120, 73,  26,  43,  188, 141, 222, 239,
       130, 179, 224, 209, 70,  119, 36,  21,  59,  10,  89,  104, 255, 206, 157, 172
    public byte crc_8(byte[] data) {
       byte crc = 0;
       foreach (byte b in data) { crc = crc_table[b ^ crc]; }
       return crc;
    public void calculateChecksum() {
       byte[] data = new byte[6];
       data[0] = 0x85;
       data[1] = 0x04;
       data[2] = 0x07;
       data[3] = 0x00;
       data[4] = 0x5;
       data[5] = 0xff;
       byte crc = crc_8(data);

    TLV request







    0x07 0x00 0x05 0xff


    TLV response









TLV frames can be generated on some interfaces without the previous request as a result of some internal event if enabled by the configuration (e.g. on the UART interface or on the BLE interface). CORE_INT GPIO pin is used to inform about internal events on the UART/SPI.

The events can be configured by leaps_int_cfg_set. The new event will set the CORE_INT pin. The CORE_INT pin is automatically cleared after any activity initiated by the user on the UART or SPI interface. Multi-byte data portions are ordered as little endian.