
Configures interrupts for GPIO pin. The maximum number of interrupts that can be registered for GPIO pins is 8. Users should only register up to 3 interrupts since DWM already uses 5 GPIO pins for internal purposes.

void dwm_gpio_irq_cfg(uint8_t gpio_idx, uint8_t irq_type, void (*callback)(void*), void *user_data);
  • irq_type – : ‘1’ | ’2’ | ’3’ (interrupt type, 1=rising, 2=falling, 3=both)

  • callback – : (interrupt callback)

  • user_data – : (data that user wants to modify in the callback)

  • outputStatus code

C code example

void gpio_cb(void* p_data)
     /* callback routine */

dwm_gpio_irq_cfg(DWM_GPIO_IDX_13, DWM_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING, &gpio_cb, NULL);

SPI/UART example not available on these interfaces