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Generic API Information

The following sections describe the frequently used TLV values


The integers used in the API are little-endian, unless otherwise stated.


Every TLV request is responded to the error code, which gives information on whether the request was processed successfully.

err_code =  ? 8-bit unsigned integer ? = ‘0’ | ‘1’ | ‘2’ | ‘3’ | ’4’ | ’5’
0: ok
1: unknown command or broken TLV frame
2: internal error
3: invalid parameter
4: busy
5: operation not permitted


13-byte position of the node (anchor or tag).

position = x, y, z, pqf (* position coordinates *)
x = ? 32-bit integer ? (* bytes 0-3, in millimeters *)
y = ? 32-bit integer ? (* bytes 4-7, in millimeters *)
z = ? 32-bit integer ? (* bytes 8-11, in millimeters *)
pqf = ? 8-bit integer ? (* byte 12, position quality factor in percents *)


Index of GPIO pins available to the user.

gpio_idx = ‘2’ | ‘8’ | ‘9’ | ‘10’ | ‘12’ | ‘13’ | ‘14’ | ‘15’ | ‘22’ | ‘23’  | ‘27’ | ‘30’ | ‘31’
(* pin 2 is reserved in low-power mode, pins 22, 30, 31 are reserved if LEDs are enabled *)