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Displays help.


dwm> ?
Usage: <command> [arg0] [arg1] ...
Build-in commands:

** Command group: Base **
?: this help
help: this help
quit: quit

** Command group: GPIO **
gc: GPIO clear
gg: GPIO get
gs: GPIO set
gt: GPIO toggle

** Command group: SYS **
f: Show free memory on the heap
reset: Reboot the system
si: System info
ut: Show device uptime
frst: Factory reset

** Command group: SENS **
twi: General purpose TWI read
aid: Read ACC device ID
av: Read ACC values
scs: Stationary config set
scg: Stationary config get

** Command group: LE **
les: Show meas. and pos.
lec: Show meas. and pos. in CSV
lep: Show pos. in CSV

** Command group: UWB **
utps: Set TxPwr
utpg: Get TxPwr

** Command group: UWBMAC **
nmg: Get node mode
nmp: Set UWB mode to passive
nmo: Set UWB mode to off
nma: Set mode to AN
nmi: Set mode to ANI
nmt: Set mode to TN
nmtl: Set mode to TN-LP
nmb: Set mode to BN
la: Show AN list
ln: List BH nodes
[Available only when the firmware is compiled with UWB routing backhaul: lr: List routes]
[Available only when the firmware is compiled with UWB routing backhaul: lrn: List next routes]
nis: Set Network ID
nls: Set node label
stg: Get stats
stc: Clear stats
udi: Show incoming IoT data
uui: Send IoT data

** Command group: API **
tlv: Send TLV frame
aurs: Set upd rate
aurg: Get upd rate
apg: Get pos
aps: Set pos
acas: Set anchor config
acts: Set tag config
aks: Set encryption key
akc: Clear encryption key
ans: Set NVM usr data
anc: Clear NVM usr data
ang: Get NVM usr data


| Press Enter to repeat the last command


Displays help, same as command “?”.


dwm> help**
… /*same output as command ? */


Turns off shell and switches UART into API mode if compiled.


dwm> quit**
/* press enter twice to switch to shell mode again*/