This page provides:
The PANS PRO Docker package.
Information about system requirements.
Instructions on how to install PANS PRO Docker.
The installation is fast and easy and only needs to be done once.
The PANS PRO Docker installation is for professionals only. For demo purpose the PANS PRO Raspberry Pi is much better option.
Visit the official Docker to learn more about Docker.
System requirements
System requirements follow Docker Desktop on Linux or Docker Desktop on Windows.
A desktop device: Requires 2 GB of free memory.
On windows, the installation of WSL consumes 2GB of RAM permanently. It is assigned to the Ubuntu WSL.
Recommended: A set (At least five devices) to verify.
Recommended: Batteries or Micro USB cables for powering the devices.
Recommended: PANS PRO Manager to configure devices.
Setup instructions
The system is compatible with AMD64, ARM64, and ARM32 architectures.
Download PANS PRO Docker
Please contact us for the download package at
Extract the PANS PRO Docker Archive
Type in a terminal: $ unzip -d /path/to/directory
Install Docker on your operating system.
Run the script to install Docker on your operating system.
For example, on Ubuntu (Linux):
After the installation, and reboot your OS to ensure Docker is properly configured.
For detailed instructions, you can refer to the official Docker documentation.
Update the correct configuration with IP Address.
to point to the IP address of the gateway board. Get the address via shell.
Run all LEAPS Docker containers.
Execute the script, which will pull and run the required Docker containers for LEAPS Center, LEAPS Server, and Mosquitto (MQTT broker).
For example, on Ubuntu (Linux):
Execute the docker ps command, make sure all containers start successfully and are ready for use.
For example, on Ubuntu (Linux):
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6f2ae0c87d65 leapslabs/leaps_mosquitto:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 9 seconds ago Up 9 seconds>1883/tcp,>15675/tcp leaps_mosquitto 3d84cad7a913 leapslabs/leaps_server:latest "/app/leaps-server -…" 10 seconds ago Up 9 seconds>7777/tcp,>7777/udp leaps_server 633c97e96f6e leapslabs/leaps_center:latest "sh -c 'cd /app && …" 10 seconds ago Up 10 seconds 80/tcp,>8080/tcp leaps_center
Prepare the network as in PANS PRO Demo and connect the gateway board.
Mosquitto and check messages (optional)
Use mosquitto_sub on your system.
To check for messages, use the following command in your terminal (This command will connect to the Mosquitto MQTT broker and display all messages received).
mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -d -v -t '#'
Access the LEAPS Center via IP address.
Use your computer’s web browser.
Enter the IP address or localhost to access the LEAPS Center.
Login the LEAPS Center.
Logging in with Username as admin and Password as admin.
Use PANS PRO Manager to prepare network.
Configure the network on the LEAPS Center.
Check the network settings in LEAPS Center to match the network ID of the gateway board you have connected.
Check the correct host configured as the PC’s IP address.
Please refer to the LEAPS Center and PANS PRO Manager for more details on how to use the application to configure and visualize the nodes and network.
Now the system has been successfully set up and configured the system. Enjoy using it!
Download PANS PRO Docker.
Please contact us for the download package at
Extract the PANS PRO Docker Archive.
Use a program like WinZip or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded PANS PRO Docker zip file.
Install Docker Desktop on Windows.
Follow the instructions provided in the Docker documentation for Docker Windows Installation.
Once the installation is complete, restart your Windows system to ensure all changes take effect.
Update the correct configuration with IP Address using PowerShell.
Run all LEAPS Docker containers using PowerShell.
Execute the leaps_docker_run_all.bat script, which will pull and run the required Docker containers for LEAPS Center, LEAPS Server, and Mosquitto (MQTT broker).
./leaps_docker_run_all.batMake sure all containers start successfully and are ready for use.
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6f2ae0c87d65 leapslabs/leaps_mosquitto:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 9 seconds ago Up 9 seconds>1883/tcp,>15675/tcp leaps_mosquitto 3d84cad7a913 leapslabs/leaps_server:latest "/app/leaps-server -…" 11 seconds ago Up 11 seconds>7777/tcp,>7777/udp leaps_server 633c97e96f6e leapslabs/leaps_center:latest "sh -c 'cd /app && …" 12 seconds ago Up 12 seconds 80/tcp,>8080/tcp leaps_center
Prepare the network as in PANS PRO Demo and connect the gateway board.
Access the LEAPS Center via IP address.
Use your computer’s web browser.
Enter the IP address or localhost to access the LEAPS Center.
Login the LEAPS Center.
Logging in with Username as admin and Password as admin.
Use PANS PRO Manager to prepare network.
Configure the network on the LEAPS Center.
Check the network settings in LEAPS Center to match the network ID of the gateway board you have connected.
Check the correct host configured as the PC’s IP address.
Please refer to the LEAPS Center and PANS PRO Manager for more details on how to use the application to configure and visualize the nodes and network.
Now the system has been successfully set up and configured the system. Enjoy using it!