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Prepare for setup

  1. PANS PRO Manager application installed on an Android device.

  2. LEAPS Center application installed on the PC.

  3. At least four LC4 devices (Anchor Node) and one LC8 device (Tag Node).

  4. One LC5 device (Gateway Node).

  5. Batteries or Micro USB cables for powering the devices.

  6. Recommended: clamp or tripod with a camera mount for attachment of the Anchor devices.

  7. Recommended: A Raspberry Pi 3B or newer version or a PC, the data server, and the web application installation.

  8. Optional: Putty, Teraterm, minicom, or your favorite terminal application installed on your computer.

Setup time: less than 5 minutes


This setup demonstrates real-time navigation, tracking, and both ways of data telemetry using Two Way Ranging (TWR) technology.

Typical applications: Indoor navigation, asset tracking, and real-time data telemetry supporting uplink and downlink.

Setup instructions

  1. Power ON the devices with already flashed the latest firmware.

    • The statically mounted devices will function as Anchors, providing location information to the Tags.

    • The moving devices will function as Tags configured in Two-Way Ranging measurement mode.

  2. Please refer the detail guideline from the PANS PRO Manager section. Here are quick steps.

    1. Log in using the username admin and the password admin.

    2. Once logged in successfully, click on the Start Device Discovery function on the homepage.

    3. Assign the discovered devices to the network. Enter a network name to continue and assign all devices to this network.

    ../../../_images/ppm-home-page.jpg ../../../_images/ppm-assign-network6.jpg ../../../_images/ppm-network-1.jpg
    1. Configure one of the discovered devices as the Initiator Anchor Node (ANI) and enable Initiator Mode.

    2. Configure three of the discovered devices as Anchor Nodes (AN) without enabling Initiator Mode.

    3. With four Anchor Nodes (AN), you can configure the Position manually.

      • Check out the Auto-Positioning feature for easy anchor placement in PANS PRO Manager.

    4. Configure one device as a Tag Node (TN) with the default NORMAL UPDATE RATE and STATIONARY UPDATE RATE.

    ../../../_images/ppm-device-configure-b.jpg ../../../_images/anchor-initiator-node-disable.png ../../../_images/ppm-device-configure-a.jpg
    1. After completing the discovery and configuration, the network visualization can be displayed in 2D Grid or 3D Grid on the PANS PRO Manager application.

      ../../../_images/ppm-grib-2d-0.jpg ../../../_images/ppm-grib-3d-0.jpg


On this section, the guideline will guide how to set up the PANS PRO RTLS network to display on the LEAPS Center. In order to successfully set up the PANS PRO RLTS network, please ensure the essential hardware and software.


  1. Prepare the Network: You can choose from the following two options:

    • Option 1: Use the configuration via PANS PRO Manage as described in the Quick Start (Phone) tab to configure the network.

    • Option 2: Use the configuration via Shell as outlined in the Advanced section tab to configure the network.

  2. Set up the Gateway Board: Use either PANS PRO Docker or PANS PRO Raspberry Pi.

    • Note: Flash the latest firmware if it’s not already available on the board.

  3. Open LEAPS Center: Launch it via PANS PRO Docker or PANS PRO Raspberry Pi.

  4. Log In: Use the username admin and password admin.

  5. Select Networks: Click on Networks in the left navigation menu.

  6. Add New Network:

    • Provide a Name and ID.

    • Select Protocol Type as PANS.

    • Enter the Host and TCP Port.

    • Fill in the Username, Password, and Topic Prefix.

  7. Test the Connection: Press the Test button to check the connection, then press Save to create the network.

  8. Once finished, the network visualization will be displayed in both 2D gird and 3D gird views in the application. For more information, see the LEAPS Center configuration and usage.


  1. When Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and the LED are both off, users may erroneously perceive the board as non-functional. In this scenario, the only recourse for the user is to initiate a Factory Reset (frst) command.

  2. Please check the version. We recommend you use the latest official version.


  • Refer to the software infrastructure to further explore the power of this demo. Our support includes PANS PRO Docker and PANS PRO Raspberry Pi.

  • For any comments or questions about our products, we encourage you to visit our LEAPS Forum.