Qorvo Nearby Interaction
This section provides all the necessary installation and setup steps for Qorvo Nearby Interaction application. It requires iOS 16 for iPhones equipped with a U1 chip (model: iPhone 11, iPhone 12 & iPhone 13).
Installation instructions
Nearby Interaction featuring background mode with third-party accessories was introduced starting from iOS 16. It is required to update an iPhone to the iOS 16 version or later. The Qorvo Nearby Interaction iOS App is available for download on the Apple App Store:
Go to the Apple App Store
After installation, Open the Qorvo Nearby Interaction App by tapping the icon on your iOS device.
When opening Qorvo Nearby Interaction for the first time, it will request an user’s approval to use BLE and other devices using this app which are nearby to interact with.
So, you have successfully installed and started the Qorvo Nearby Interaction on your iPhone.