LEAPS Raspberry Pi
This page provides:
The LEAPS Raspberry Pi package.
Information about system requirements.
Instructions on how to install LEAPS Raspberry Pi.
The installation is fast and easy and only needs to be done once.
Before starting: Remember to back up any important files from the SD card you want to keep, as all data will be permanently overwritten during formatting.
System requirements
Raspberry Pi 3B or newer.
Recommended: A set of UDK1 (At least five devices) to verify.
Recommended: Batteries or USB-C cables for powering the devices.
Recommended: LEAPS Manager to configure devices.
Setup instructions
Download LEAPS Raspberry Pi Image.
LEAPS Docker: LEAPS-RPI-IMAGE-v1.0.0.zip.
Extract the LEAPS Raspberry Pi Archive.
Use a program like WinZip or 7-Zip to extract the downloaded LEAPS Raspberry Pi zip file.
Launching the Raspberry Pi Imager.
Your operating system may try to block the installer.
On Windows: If you see a warning message, click More info and Run anyway.
Installing the LEAPS Raspberry Pi Image.
Insert your SD card into the computer or laptop’s SD card slot.
Open the Raspberry Pi Imager.
Select ‘Use custom’ then select, the desired LEAPS Raspberry Pi Image you want to install.
Choose the correct SD card to install the image on. The drives may be displayed differently on different platforms.
Take extra care to select the correct drive based on its memory capacity.
A new WRITE button will appear with “once the LEAPS Raspberry Pi Image and the SD card are selected.
Click the WRITE button.
Writing and finishing up.
Getting started with LEAPS.
Remove the SD card from your computer or laptop and insert it into the Raspberry Pi.
Make sure your Raspberry Pi is powered on.
The LEAPS system is installed and configured to boot with your Raspberry Pi.
Wait for the System to Boot.
Please be patient and allow a few minutes for the entire system to finish booting
Connect to the
network broadcasted by the Raspberry Pi with the passwordLeaps1234
SSH into the Raspberry Pi (optional).
On a PC (or even another Raspberry Pi), open a PowerShell or Terminal window, then enter the following command to connect to the Raspberry Pi via SSH.
ssh leaps@ default the account is
and password isleaps
Use LEAPS Manager to prepare network.
Configure demo: TWR RTLS and Data Telemetry Demo or Uplink TDoA RTLS Demo.
By default, the network ID will be
.For this example, you need to connect the gateway board with ID
Connection with Gateway Board.
Connect the gateway board to your Raspberry Pi using a USB-C Data Cable.
Plug the USB-C Data Cable into the USB-C Data Port 1 on your PC. Ensure a stable connection.
Will hear two beeps as a confirmation if successfully connected in gateway mode as confirmation.
Check system status (optional).
Use the mosquitto_sub command to check the system status. This command will connect to the Mosquitto MQTT broker and display all messages received.
mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -d -v -t '#'
Access LEAPS Center.
In a web browser, access the address (This can be opened directly on Raspberry Pi or, on a PC that is connected to the
network broadcasted by the Raspberry Pi with the passwordLeaps1234
- Step 9)If you are on a LAN network, use another computer’s web browser to access the Raspberry Pi’s IP address.
Configure the network settings in LEAPS Center to match the network ID of the gateway board you have connected.
Login LEAPS Center.
Configure the network on LEAPS Center.
Check the network settings in LEAPS Center to match the network ID of the gateway board you have connected.
Please refer to the LEAPS Center and LEAPS Manager for more details on how to use the application to configure and visualize the nodes and network.
Now the system has been successfully set up and configured the system. Enjoy using it!
How to reconfigure with any network
Turn Off the LEAPS-AP Wi-Fi AP on Raspberry Pi
First, make sure to disable the Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) on your Raspberry Pi.
Connect Raspberry Pi to the Desired Network
Connect your Raspberry Pi to the Ethernet or Wi-Fi network you want to use.
Check the IP Address
Update Corresponding IP Address
Open the configuration file for the LEAPS gateway:
sudo nano /usr/share/LEAPS-DOCKER-LINUX/leaps-gateway-hub/data/leaps-gateway.confLook for the line specifying the IP address and change it to
.Next, open the configuration file for the LEAPS server:
sudo nano /usr/share/LEAPS-DOCKER-LINUX/leaps-server-hub/data/leaps-server.confAgain, update this file to reflect the new IP address
Restart LEAPS Server and LEAPS Gateway
After making the changes, restart both services:
sudo docker restart leaps_serversudo docker restart leaps_gateway
Confirm LEAPS Server and LEAPS Gateway are Working Properly
Check the status of the running Docker containers:
leaps@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES b5bc1d479a04 leapslabs/leaps_gateway:udk1 "/app/leaps-gateway …" 6 days ago Up 15 minutes leaps_gateway 68c33d70bc07 leapslabs/leaps_server:udk1 "/app/leaps-server -…" 6 days ago Up 15 minutes>7777/tcp,>7777/udp, :::7777->7777/tcp, :::7777->7777/udp leaps_server 38092ca7b1b1 leapslabs/leaps_center:udk1 "sh -c 'cd /app && …" 6 days ago Up 15 minutes 80/tcp,>8080/tcp, [::]:80->8080/tcp leaps_center
Monitor MQTT Messages
To monitor MQTT messages, use:
mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -d -v -t '#'
Open LEAPS Center and Update Host
Launch the LEAPS Center application and update the host address to
.Ensure to reload the networks to apply changes.
How to Set a Password for Wi-Fi AP: LEAPS-AP
Set the access point security and password on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm:
sudo nmcli con modify hotspot wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk sudo nmcli con modify hotspot wifi-sec.psk "Leaps1234"Setting up an access point on Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye and older:
Edit Hostapd Configuration. Open the Hostapd configuration file with this command:
sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Add the Following Parameters at the End of the File:
wpa=2 wpa_passphrase=Leaps1234 wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_pairwise=TKIP rsn_pairwise=CCMP
Save and Exit
Press CTRL + O to save, then CTRL + X to exit the editor.
Restart Your Raspberry Pi
To apply the changes, restart your Raspberry Pi.